Fact File
Sporting Khalsa Community Facilities, located in Willenhall, is used by local schools, charities, faith groups, community groups and sports clubs for activities such as football, cricket, netball, multi sports, handball, fitness, and dodgeball. Their pavilion is used for ad hoc meetings, charitable events and by local businesses.
The club was donated a large recycled modular two-storey building, which was relocated to their site. However, funding was urgently needed for essentials like heating, insulation, and upgrade of electrics to make it the useable, communal space they hoped it would be.
Biffa Award funded the refurbishment of the ground floor of the building including creation of a fully accessible toilet, installation of fire protection plasterboard, new ceilings, flooring, lighting and heating, and installation of a fire alarm, emergency lighting and complete redecoration.
This renovated space will allow the club to continue its work in building a true sense of community among people of diverse origins, backgrounds, and points of view.
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